
 👤 About  
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  I’m a visual ✎_ _ _ _ _ _, innovator
  and maker–of–software living in NYC
  passionate about the intersection
  of design, art and technology.

  I'm interested in emerging technology,
  design systems, and creating memorable
  experiences that push the boundaries
  of web technology.

 🔗 Social  
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   Twitter:    @terkelg
   Instagram:  @terkelg
   GitHub:     @terkelg
   LinkedIn:   @terkelg

 📄 Tiny CV
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   - Hello Monday

   - Active Theory
   - North Kingdom
   - Molamil

   - BA in Visual Communication
     Major in Interactive Design
     Danish School of Media & Journalism

   - Design/UX
   - JavaScript
   - Creative Coding
   - Motion Graphic

 🙋 QA
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   Q: What's with all the text?
   A: I'm busy working on a new website.
      The next version is expected to go
      live within the next 30 years.

   Q: Got any other sites?
   A: https://2016.terkel.com

   Q: Best way to get in touch?
   A: terkel at terkel dot com

   Q: Which framework did you use?
   A: A tiny bit of Vue, sprinkled with
      react and topped with jQuery.

   Q: How big is this site?
   A: 970 bytes gzipped. (⌐■_■)

 © ᴛᴇʀᴋᴇʟ.ᴄᴏᴍ